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Textile companies in Singapore

If you need contacts or company information for the textile industry in Singapore, look no further - our platform contains 1,463 records for organisations and individuals currently working in the sector. Whether you need direct contact details, in-depth business insights or financial data on potential partners or competitors, you'll find it all in our Singapore B2B database -


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The textile and apparel industry in Singapore offers a wide range of opportunities, with the region being home not only to manufacturers but also a large network of distributors and retailers. In fact, the country is now ranks second as a hub for textiles within the Asia-Pacific area, second only to Hong Kong. 

While manufacturing in the region may have decreased in recent years, the good news is there are still plenty of deals to be done - particularly for companies looking to sell in Singapore. For example, non-wovens exported from the U.S. grew to an estimated $23 million during 2017.

Whether you need to reach out to manufacturers or retailers, or are just carrying out research on companies in the region, with 1,463 records for the Singapore textile industry, Global Database can give your efforts a massive boost. Use our wide range of filter tools to narrow your search based on things like company size, turnover, employee job title or level, and years in operation, and then reach out straight away with direct email addresses and phone numbers.

Our platform is far from just a B2B directory, though; we offer valuable insights into each company's methods and current state, including profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and cash flow, technologies used, number of website visitors, mortgages and charges and more. With our regularly-updated and validated data, you can gain a complete overview of any textile company in Singapore with just a few clicks.

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