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Paper, Wood & Furniture company in Singapore

Gain immediate access to 11,223 companies and individuals working in the paper, wood and furniture industry in Singapore. Global Database not only provides direct contact details, each record also contains a wealth of useful insights to give you a complete overview of each business. No matter what your business goals are, out high-quality, accurate data can kickstart your efforts


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Businesses working within the paper, wood and furniture niches will find good potential in Singapore. The growth of Asia's middle class is particularly good news for the furniture industry, and Singapore has recently announced plans to make the region an Asian hub for the sector by 2021.

Finding leads for these sectors can prove difficult, however. In order to close sales you need to speak to the people with purchasing power instead of being met by gatekeepers at every turn. Global Database has the solution to this problem - our Singapore paper, wood and furniture database contains 11,223 companies and individuals in the sector, all with direct email addresses and phone numbers. 

Our wide range of filter options make finding the exact type of company or professional incredibly easy - you can search based on things such as company size, location, turnover, and job title and seniority level. If you need to gather further insights about a specific company, you can carry out a simple search to reveal details such as technologies used, original company filings, credit scores, structure and ownership.

Regardless of whether you're embarking on a sales and marketing campaign, researching the market or your competitors, or undertaking background checks on suppliers or business partners, the Global Database Singapore database has a goldmine of insights for the paper, wood and furniture sector.

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