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Construction & Real Estate companies in Singapore

If you need immediate contacts for the construction and real estate industry in Singapore, we can help. Global Database's Singapore B2B directory has information for 1,830 companies and staff members working in the sector. You can easily filter your search using our demographic tools, while getting a full picture of each organisation thanks to our detailed insights.


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Singapore’s Construction and Real Estate industry biggest client - its government, is planning to spend more on infrastructure, thus boosting the industry's growth. Сontracts worth S$20 - S$24 billion are expected to be awarded this year, in addition to last year's S$15.9 billion. A strategic Industry Transformation Map for the Construction and Real Estate industry from Singapore also aims to help businesses maintain and improve productivity and innovation in conditions of rapid change of economic circumstances. 

If you're in need of business contacts for the sector, Global Database's online platform is ideal. We have data on 1,830 companies and professionals working in the construction and real estate industry in Singapore, which you can easily search based on factors including company size, revenue, function, years in operation, and employee job title and level. 

Direct contact information for phone, fax, and email allows you to effortlessly avoid secretaries and get straight through to key decision makers, while our essential insights on each organisation such as technologies used, structure, ownership, website visitors, original company filings and more, mean you can gain a deep understanding of their needs and how best to target them.

Our online platform is perfect for a range of business activities, whether you're deciding whether or not to enter the market, looking for new leads, checking out the competition or performing background checks on business partners or suppliers, it's all here and ready to go.

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